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Friday, November 5, 2010

Modern Day Slavery


noun, verb, slaved, slav·ing.
a person who is the property of and wholly subject to another
If we accept this definition then there is no modern day slavery. No human is the property of another human. No matter how overworked they are; no matter how long the hours are, the bosses do not own the workers. The sweatshop workers have no other ways to make money and provide themselves and their families with essentials like food and shelter. Because of this, people say that sweatshop workers are slaves because they are, in a way, forced to work. If people believe this definition of a slave (people who are forced to work), then we are all slaves in a way. Everyone, when they leave the support of their parents, is forced to work because there is no other way to get essentials like food and shelter. The alternative is to either live off of your parents or die of hunger/thirst. Even though we get better pay and conditions than the sweatshop workers, the idea is the same. For however many hours of our life, we are slaves to our bosses and their is no way we can change that. Sure you can quit the job, but eventually you will have to find a new boss to be a "slave" too, either that or you die of hunger. Even if you are the boss there will always be someone higher up than you that you have to listen to. I believe that there isn't any modern day slavery, but to the people that believe the sweatshops are, this is my argument against that.

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