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Thursday, September 23, 2010

Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God

Puritans in the 1700s believed that God hated sinners. They believed that the only reason God didn't kill them right now was just out of amusement. If I grew up believing that, my life would be hell. Obviously, everyones committed a "sin" at least once in there lives. The Ten Commandments say that stealing is a sin. Everyone has probably stole something once in there lives. I can relate to Puritans at that time. When I was a little kid, I was really religious and I accidentally stole a pen from my teacher. I borrowed it from her and then I forgot it was hers and put it in my bag.I know it really doesn't sound that bad, but I was really little and at one point the teacher started yelling at the class because she was almost out of pens. So I felt really bad about stealing them, and I remember at one point I was praying that I wouldn't go to hell for it. But if you thought that God could kill you at any second, you would spend your life trying to please him. And if you were going to spend your life trying to please him, you probably wouldn't do anything else. For example, schoolwork, if you've just committed a sin and you have some homework, you will probably be thinking who cares about homework? I need to save my life. The same for everything else in life. Who cares if we are wealthy and rich, we might die at any second. Every decision you make you're going to think if I make the wrong decision will God kill me?

1 comment:

  1. Well, it keeps people in check in the Puritan society. If everyone, thinks "Should I?" Less crime.
