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Tuesday, May 24, 2011


doownaes, (2010). Alfred Hitchcock (Holocaust Footage) pt.1 [Web]. Available from
doownaes, (2010). Alfred Hitchcock (holocaust Footage) pt.3 [Web]. Available from
doownaes, (2010). Alfred Hitchcock (Holocaust Footage) pt.4 [Web]. Available from
doownaes, (2010). Alfred Hitchcock (Holocaust Footage) pt.6 [Web]. Available from
Holocaust shooting jews. (1995). Retrieved from
megapolon, (2007). Heinrich Himmler Speech - Jewish Extermination Orders [Web]. Available from
Prisoners. (2008). Retrieved from


Some people don't believe in the Holocaust. Those people are stupid. What else could have happened? Did all the Jewish people in the world just get together and all decide to make up the Holocaust to get some pity? And wouldn't your grandparents have been living during the war and heard about it through the radio? Also, theres a LOT of evidence online about the Holocaust, most of it was too gruesome for me to put on this blog. Unless your one of those paranoid conspiracy theory maker guys, theres no way that you don't believe the Holocaust happened. There's evidence right here and some more websites linked. Just look at them and I don't know how you can still not believe in the Holocaust...

Facts about the Holocaust:

2/3rds of the Jewish population were exterminated
Heinrich Himmler carried out the genocide
In these camps, minorities were gassed, shot, burned, or sent to have "medical experiments" done on them.
Hitler had very anti-semitic views toward the Jewish population because he believed they were taking the jobs of Aryan Germans and were too successful.

Friday, May 13, 2011

The Tell-Tale Heart Analysis

   Edgar Allen Poe's story, "The Tell-Tale Heart", is about a person who goes insane and commits murder. When the police come, the person thinks he hears the sound of the dead man's heart beating, goes crazy, and exposes the remains to the cops.
   I'm going to assume that the person is a man, since it is written in the first person and Poe is a guy. The man appears to be a servant of the other older man. A child or family member would not go to greet his father that early in the morning (unless it was a very obedient child). The servant lives in the house with him and is creeped out by the old guy's "evil eye". The evil eye could have scared the man so much that he wanted to commit murder. Think about it. The servant had to stay in that house for a long, long time (since he knew the old man's name and they seemed to know each other well), always being terribly scared of the eye. In the story, the man even said he had trouble sleeping because he was haunted by his thoughts. The man could have been so scared of the eye that he would kill the old man to get rid of it. Its possible because of what the evil eye was thought of back then (when people still believed in witches and magic) and the history behind it. So having the fear of the eye haunt him day in and day out drove him to insanity, and probably helped developed his anxiety.
   I also think that he did not really hear the old man's heartbeat. It was probably a clock, which you can always here when its quiet, or the man's own heartbeat. He was felt so guilty and terrible about what he had did (since he actually liked the old man), he couldn't tell the difference. This change of heart is brought on by the absence of the eye. The eye is what drove him insane, without it around he is normal; and a normal person would feel extremely guilty about killing someone, especially someone he liked.
  The main character is just a normal guy driven crazy by an irrational (during that time period it might have been rational) fear of the evil eye and having to be constantly around it. Once the eye was gone, he turned sane again and his guilt caused him to reveal where the dead man was. However after such a traumatic event, the guy probably turned insane later, which is why he keeps in claiming that he was not insane.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Short Story (True Story)

    The crickets were chirping. We were a good distance away from the bustling Halsted Street, which was so bright from the lamp posts and cars it almost hurt my eyes. It took my eyes a minute to get used to the darkness of the rest of the area. Aron was wearing his usual Cookie Monster cap and Robert was listening to his iPod. We were on our way to the Halsted Orange Line Station. About halfway through the park, there was a smell of barbeque pork, probably coming from one the dimly lit houses on the block. All of a sudden, Robert stopped and just stood there. We noticed and asked him what was wrong. Then we heard it too. A sound, like the ringing of a home phone, seemed to be coming out of nowhere. The three of us just stood there, looking for where the sound was coming from. Next to me, There was a box made of metal that I had seen many times before. It was connected to the telephone poles and I had always thought it provided power for the phone lines. While Robert and Aron kept looking around for the sound, I started walking towards the generator, thinking maybe there something stuck inside. After around fifteen rings, a women's voice replaced the sound of the phone. When that happened, we were so scared we ran as fast as we could toward the Orange Line. After a block of running, we stopped and Robert told us that he saw a flash, that Aron and I didn't see (probably cause we both have bad eyesight) before the noises started. Robert convinced us to go back, and we saw something that looked like a speaker (we couldn't tell because it was so dark out) attached to a lamp post that we didn't notice when we were walking by. Aron recalled that he heard the voice say "park" and "leave immediately". We guessed that this was a security camera, and that because it was past curfew, it would take pictures of people who it saw past that time, and tell them to leave.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

The Prayer by Kid Cudi

My heart thump not from being nervous (Usually when your heart is thumping, you're either nervous or excited, so he's excited about the song.)
Sometimes I'm thinking God made me special here on purpose (He is special because he cares more about happiness with himself than women or money, unlike many famous people out there today)
So all the while 'til I'm gone make my words important so (He wants this song to have meaning)
If I slip away, if I die today the last thing you remember won't  
Be about some apple bottom jeans with the boots with the fur  (Reference to Flo Rida, he doesnt want people to remember him for only caring about sex and money, which "Low" is about)
Baby how I dream of being free since my birth (Free from his thoughts of death and pursuit of happiness)
Cursed but the demons I confronted would disperse (Cursed - he doesn't want to think about all these deep things, he would rather just want to care about women, power, and money and just enjoy his life)
Have you ever heard of some shit so real
Beyond from the heart, from the soul you can feel  (Praising his own music, calling it real and how its not just about the love/heartbreak, beyond from the heart)

And if I die before I wake, I pray the lord my soul to take (Saying he is ready for death now)
But please don't cry, just know that I have made these songs for you (Talking to a fan or maybe someone close to him that this song is for)
And if I die before I wake I pray the lord my soul to take
'cuz I'm ready for a funeral (Again ready for death)

My mind runs I can never catch it even if I got a head start (His thoughts about death and all of these things are always running through his mind)
God please tell me I am feeling so alone way (He feels alone in that he thinks most people today are the people who only care about sex, power, drugs, and money; and he is only one thinking about stuff like death and the afterlife)
I don't need to worry 'cuz I know the world'll feel this n**** (He doesnt need to worry cause soon world see his point of view and join him)
Blessing in disguise but I am not hiding who I am open your eyes bro (Before he said he was cursed, now hes saying blessing in disguise because he sees benefit in his thoughts, hes not hiding who he really is)
If I ever met you, I appreciate the love yo
Girls that I dated, it's ok I am not mad yo
Unless you stabbed me in the heart, no love h*, the s*** is so eww (These are the goodbyes you would say to people if you knew you were about to die)

Play it back from the top if you recognize real (saying this song is real)
And if I die before I wake, I pray the lord my soul to take
But please don't cry, just know that I have made these songs for you
And if I die before I wake, I pray the lord my soul to take
'cuz I'm ready for a funeral
'cuz I'm ready for a funeral (I'm ready for the funeral, I'm ready for the funeral) (Ready for death)

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Life on a Reservation

My blog is going to be about what I learned about life on a reservation from the movie we watched, "Smoke Signals". In the movie, the radio station showed how deserted and close the people in the reservation were. The "traffic" they were watching had about one car come every once in a while and the reporter usually knew the people in the car. The streets in the reservation were also usually empty. Like I said before, the people in the reservation were really close because of the small amount of people living there. The people would all know one another and know what was going on in their life. For example, when those two Indian girls with the broken car picked up the main characters, they already knew them and knew how Victor's dad had left him. Also, even though Victor and Thomas don't talk a lot (since Thomas annoys Victor), Victor and Thomas's grandmother know each other, and Thomas and Victor's mom know each other.